electrical services june 2024

Electrical Services Market Update June 2024

In our Electrical Services market update, manufacturing facility construction, data center expansion, and a focus on sustainable energy are driving growth while the industry grapples with extended lead times and a scarcity of skilled electricians.

Stay ahead of the curve and overcome these obstacles with proactive recruitment, training, and retention strategies.

Key takeaways from the Electrical Services Market Update include:

  • – Executive summary on the current state of electrical services market today.
  • – Broad currents shaping the market, including 6 key takeaways.
  • – Latest industry news and public company updates.


Contact BaseRock Partners

Luke Smith

utility services market update april 2024

Utility Services Market Update April 2024

In our latest Utility Services Market Update, we share megatrends in transmission, broadband infrastructure, and more, highlighting the need for modernization and resilience and the growing demand for utility service assets.

Gain access to critical takeaways and acquire fresh insights to effectively navigate the shifting landscape.

Utility Services Market Update Insights & Megatrends include:

  • – How Transmission and Distribution requirements are evolving to meet new demands
  • – Importance of asset modernization and hardening across the sector
  • – Role of fiber in powering the modern economy
  • – Summary of key transactions in utility services

Contact BaseRock Partners

Luke Smith

Construction Materials Outlook 2024

2024 brings a host of challenges to the market, including inflation risk, rising deficits/debt, and the specter of a recession. However, non-residential construction, particularly manufacturing and infrastructure, have strong tailwinds. The key question in 2024: Will pricing power continue to offset stagnant and weakening demand? Download the 2024 Outlook to learn more.

Key Insights Include:

  • – Strategic recap of 2023 in the construction materials industry
  • – Summary of key M&A transactions that are reshaping markets
  • – Construction materials 5 key 2024 trends to watch
  • – Key drivers of pricing power in construction materials markets

Contact BaseRock Partners

Scott Duncan